will shields中文什么意思

发音:   用"will shields"造句
  • will:    vt. 1.决心要,立志要。 2.凭 ...
  • shield:    n. 1.盾;盾牌。 2.罩;屏;屏 ...
  • shields:    盾牌; 希尔兹; 谢尔德
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  1. On that day the lord will shield those who live in jerusalem , so that the feeblest among them will be like david , and the house of david will be like god , like the angel of the lord going before them
  2. Nancy dubler , director of montefiore medical center , contends that the principle will shield doctors who “ until now have very , very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death
    蒙特非奥里医疗中心主任南希?杜布勒认为,这项原则将保护部分医生, “他们在此之前一直坚持认为,如果会加速病人的死亡,他们就不会给病人提供充分的药品来控制他们的病痛” 。
  3. Nancy dubler , director of montefiore medical center , contends that the principle will shield doctors who “ until now have very , very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death ”
  4. Nancy dubler , director of montefiore medical center , contends that the principle will shield doctors who “ until now have very , very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death
    译文蒙特非奥里医疗中心主任南希?杜布勒认为,这项原则将保护部分医生, “他们在此之前一直坚持认为,如果会加速病人的死亡,他们就不会给病人提供充分的药品来控制他们的病痛” 。


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